Summer Birding in Japan

28 May–16 June 2013

Mark Brazil & Robert Kleiger


Species Encountered

Birds (216 species) 

Hazel Grouse     A male calling, and a female dust-bathing on a dry track in forest north of Nakashibetsu on 14 June, and a pair on another track in the same area on 15 June.

Chinese Bamboo Partridge     Heard calling several times on Miyake-jima on 7 & 8 June.

Copper Pheasant     Heard drumming at Karuizawa on 6 June.

Japanese Green Pheasant     Heard in the Tateshina area on 4 June, seen en route to Karuizawa on 5 June, and heard and seen repeatedly in the Sasagawa, Ukishima, Inbanuma area on 16 June.

Mute Swan     1 seen near Ukishima in Ibaraki Prefectureon 16 June

Whooper Swan     1 on Tofutsu-ko on 11 June

Gadwall     At least 30 at lakes in the Kushiro Marsh area on 10 June

Falcated Duck     A male in Kushiro Marsh on 10 June and 2 males at Notsuke, east Hokkaido, on 12 June

Eurasian Wigeon      Surprisingly large numbers (more than 500) at Notsuke on 12 June, many of which were immature males

Mallard      A single male at Chosei-ike in Saku, Nagano Prefecture, on 5 June, then small numbers in east Hokkaido on 10-13 June

Eastern Spot-billed Duck     Small numbers found in Okinawa, central and eastern Honshu

Northern Shoveler      Surprisingly common in east Hokkaido with over 100 at Notsuke on 12 June, and smaller numbers at wetland sites in southeast Hokkaido on 13 June. A single male at Nishi-no-su, near Lake Kasumigaura in eastern Honshu, on 16 June.

Northern Pintail     A flock of more than 100 at Notsuke on 12 June; a single male in southeast Hokkaido on 13 June

Eurasian Teal      A pair at Notsuke on 12 June

Common Pochard     Two males on 12 June

Tufted Duck     Small numbers daily in east Hokkaido (10-13 June), a single male at Nishi-no-su, near Lake Kasumigaura, on 16 June

Greater Scaup      Common in east Hokkaido harbours and bays (10-13 June)

Harlequin Duck     A flock of approximately 50 birds off the Shiretoko Peninsula on 12 June

White-winged Scoter     A single female in a pool on Notsuke Peninsula on 12 June

Black Scoter     A single male on 10 June along the east coast of Hokkaido, and more than 200 off the Shiretoko Peninsula on 12 June

Common Goldeneye     A moulting male off the Shiretoko Peninsula on 12 June

Goosander     Single females daily in East Hokkaido (12-15 June), one with 8 chicks on 13 June.

Red-breasted Merganser      A single female off the Shiretoko Peninsula on 12 June

Red-throated Diver     Two off the Shiretoko Peninsula on 10 June, 5 on 12 June

Black-throated Diver     One in winter plumage off Ochiishi on 13 June

Pacific Diver     One in breeding plumage off Ochiishi on 13 June

Black-footed Albatross     Seven on the way south to Hachijo-jima on 7 June, 1 on the way north from Miyake-jima on 9 June

Northern Fulmar     More than 50 in the Nemuro Channel off Rausu on 11 June

Streaked Shearwater     Thousands daily off the Izu Islands (7-9 June), but numbers clearly depleted around Miyake-jima, and none now calling there at night. Though safe on Mikura-jima just to the south, it seems that weasels have probably eradicated the breeding population on Miyake-jima

Wedge-tailed Shearwater     Two on the way south to Hachijo-jima on 7 June

Buller's Shearwater     One in the Nemuro Channel off Rausu, with large flocks of shearwaters, on 11 June

Sooty Shearwater     One with Short-tailed Shearwaters on 9 June north of Miyake-jima

Short-tailed Shearwater     Hundreds seen on 7 June on the way south to Hachijo-jima, and on 9 June north of Miyake-jima, Izu Islands; many 1000s rafting in the Nemuro Channel on 11 June; 1 off Ochiishi on 13 June

Bulwer's Petrel     Three on the way south to Hachijo-jima on 7 June, 2 on the way north from Miyake-jima on 9 June

Band-rumped Storm Petrel     At least 10 in one short period on the way south to Hachijo-jima on 7 June; 1 on the way north from Miyake-jima on 9 June

Tristram's Storm Petrel     Five on the way south to Hachijo-jima on 7 June, 1 on the way north from Miyake-jima on 9 June

Little Grebe     1 on 5 June at Chosei-ike, in Saku, Nagano Prefecture, 3 in Chiba/Ibaraki on 16 June

Red-necked Grebe     A single male in breeding plumage at Takobu-numa, East Hokkaido on 9 June, was closely associating with the following species.

Great Crested Grebe     A single adult in breeding plumage at Takobu-numa, East Hokkaido on 9 June, with the above species.

Black-faced Spoonbill     Three at Sankaku-ike, Naha on 28 June, 5 at the estuary in nearby Toyosaki,the “shopping mall mudflats,” on 1 June

Eurasian Bittern     Two at Inbanuma on 16 June

Yellow Bittern     Absent at their old haunts at Ukishima, but perhaps as many as 10 seen and heard at Inbanuma on 16 June including pairs seen in display flights on several occasions

Striated Heron     1 on Amami Oshima on 3 June

Black-crowned Night Heron     Small numbers in Okinawa and Amami Oshima, more than 50 breeding at Chosei-ike Saku in Nagano Prefecture(5 June); 1 at Tairo-ike, Miyake-jima on 9 June; several in the Inbanuma area on 16 June

Chinese Pond Heron     1 at Okuma, Okinawa, on 30 May; 1 at Tairo-ike, Miyake-jima, on 8 June  

Eastern Cattle Egret     Small numbers at wetland areas on Okinawa (29 May) and Amami Oshima (2-3 June)

Grey Heron      Small numbers at wetland areas on Okinawa (28 May), Amami Oshima (1 June), Karuizawa area (5-6 June) and common and widespread in east Hokkaido (10-15 June), with very large numbers (100+) at Notsuke on 12 June; also common in the Sasgawa/Ukishima/Inbanuma area on 16 June

Great White Egret      Small numbers daily on Okinawa and on Amami Oshima (28 May to 3 June); 1-3 at Tairo-ike,  Miyake-jima (7-9 June); 1 near Sasagawa on 16 June

Intermediate Egret     Small numbers at wetlands on Okinawa and on Amami Oshima (28 May to 3 June), and common in the Sasagawa area on 16 June

Little Egret     Small numbers at wetlands on Okinawa and on Amami Oshima (28 May to 3 June)

Pacific Reef Egret     Small numbers at coastal sites on Okinawa and on Amami Oshima (28 & 30 May, 2 June)

Swinhoe's Egret     One at the estuary in Toyosaki, south of Naha, Okinawa on 1 June

Brown Booby     One off Miyake-jima on 7 June, 3 on 8 June

Great Cormorant     Seen in the Tokyo and Karuizawa areas on 3rd 5th and 6th June, with more than 50 at the Chosei-ike floating colony on 5 June

Temminck's Cormorant     Single adult and immature on Miyake-jima on 9 June; common off Shiretoko and Ochiishi on 11, 12 & 13 June

Pelagic Cormorant     Common along the Shiretoko Peninsula (10-12 June)

Red-faced Cormorant     Six in breeding plumage at nests on stacks off Moyururi Island (off Ochiishi), east Hokkaido on 13 June

Eurasian Kestrel     Two seen in the Sasagawa/Inbanuma area in Chiba Prefectureon 16 June

Osprey     Three in southern Okinawa on 28 May, 2 along the Shiretoko Peninsula on 11 June

Black-eared Kite      Two in central Honshu on 3 June, small numbers daily in east Hokkaido (10-15 June)

White-tailed Sea Eagle      Up to 12 each day in east Hokkaido from 10-13 June

Steller's Sea Eagle     One immature bird (first summer?) on the Shiretoko Peninsula on 12 June; it had apparently been seen regularly in the area

Eastern Marsh Harrier     1 at Sasagawa, Chiba Prefecture,on 16 June

Japanese Sparrowhawk     1 in Yambaru, Okinawa, on 31 May

Eurasian Sparrowhawk     1 in Tateshina (4 June), and singles daily in east Hokkaido (10-12 June)

Northern Goshawk     A female over Kushiro Marsh, east Hokkaido, on 10 June

Grey-faced Buzzard     One flew over near Myogi-ko, Gunma Prefecture, on 6 June

Eastern Buzzard      Two in the Tateshina area of Nagano Prefecture on 5 June; one on the Shiretoko Peninsula on 11 June

Okinawa Rail     From 29 May to 1 June, we had more than 100 encounters with 24-30 sighted each day on 29, 30 & 31 May, and many more heard, in the now well-known area in the northeast, but also in the Yambaru hills during the day and at night.

White-breasted Waterhen     One at Okuma in northern Okinawa on30 May

Ruddy-breasted Crake     One at Okuma, northern Okinawa, on30 May

Common Moorhen     Reasonably common (up to 10 individuals) at wetland sites on Okinawa and Amami Oshima (28 May to 3 June); 1 in near Ukishima in Ibaraki Prefecture on16 June

Common Coot     1 at Chosei-ike in Saku, Nagano Prefecture, on 5 June

Red-crowned Crane     Pairs at a range of breeding sites in east Hokkaido (10-14 June). The pair now breeding at Tofutsu-ko was foraging in the open with their two chicks on the southwest mudflat on 11 June

Barred Buttonquail     1 on 1 June at the circus site near Sunshine Beach, Naha

Black-winged Stilt     Three at Sankaku-ike, Naha on 29 May, 5 there on 1 June, and 1 over Nishi-no-su, near Lake Kasumigaura in eastern Honshuon 16 June

Grey Plover     Two at the estuary in Toyosaki, south of Naha, Okinawa, on 28 May

Little Ringed Plover     One at Chosei-ike on 5 June; 1 at Tofutsu-ko on 11 June, 2 at Notsuke on 12 June; 2 at Sasagawa on 16 June

Kentish Plover     Common in southern Okinawa at various sites on 28 May, 4 on 1 June

Lesser Sand Plover     Five in southern Okinawa on 28 May

Eurasian Woodcock     One roding over forest north of Nakashibetsu on 14 June

Amami Woodcock     On Amami Oshima, 8, including an adult with 1 chick and another with 2 chicks, on 1 June; 2 in pouring rain on 2 June

Latham's Snipe     Small numbers (1-15) each day in east Hokkaido (11-15 June); more scarce than in recent years.

Eastern Black-tailed Godwit     1 at the estuary in Toyosaki, south of Naha, Okinawa, on 28 May

Far Eastern Curlew     One at Tofutsu-ko on 11 June; 2 at Kiritappu on 13 June

Grey-tailed Tattler     More than 30 at various wetlands in southern Okinawa on 28 May, 3 on 1 June

Common Sandpiper     One heard in east Hokkaido on 12 June

Ruddy Turnstone     Two, southern Okinawa on 28 May

Oriental Pratincole     Four, southern Okinawa on 28 May

Black-tailed Gull     Daily around the Izu Islands and in east Hokkaido (7-14 June), especially common on Shiretoko and Nemuro peninsulas

Common Gull     Three sub-adults on 11 June at Tofutsu-ko

Glaucous-winged Gull     Two sub-adults at Shibetsu harbour on 10 June

Slaty-backed Gull     Hundreds daily in east Hokkaido (10-13 June), breeding commonly now on rooftops in towns and fishing villages (according to local reports populations on offshore islands have declined as young White-tailed Sea Eagles have taken up residence there)

Black-headed Gull     Approximately 15 at Tofutsu-ko on 11 June, several in breeding plumage; 5 at Notsuke on 12 June

Roseate Tern     Two on Amami Oshima on 2 June

Black-naped Tern     Small numbers along west coast of Okinawa (28 May to 1 June) and up to 15 on Amami Oshima on 2 & 3 June

Little Tern     More than 25 in southern Okinawa on 28 May with several pairs incubating eggs at a small colony, 6 on 1 June; approximately 6 at Inbanuma on 16 June

Whiskered Tern     One in almost full breeding plumage at Sankaku-ike, Naha on 28 May

Arctic Skua     One on the way south to Hachijo-jima on 7 June, 1 north of Miyake-jima on 9 June

Pigeon Guillemot     One moulting into summer plumage off Ochiishi on 13 June

Spectacled Guillemot     Approximately 30 along the Shiretoko Peninsula between Utoro and the tip on 12 June; approximately 15 off Ochiishi, southeast Hokkaido, on 13 June

Ancient Murrelet                    Approximately 12 off Ochiishi on 13 June

Rhinoceros Auklet     Two off the Shiretoko Peninsula on 11 June, 4 off the Shiretoko Peninsula on 12 June, and more than 100 off Ochiishi on 13 June

Tufted Puffin     Two off Ochiishi on 13 June

Rock Dove      Common and widespread; recorded on 14 out of 20 field days

Black Woodpigeon     Both in the Nansei Shoto and in the Izu Islands this species seemed to be much scarcer than in the past. One seen in Yambaru, Okinawa, on 30 May; 1 heard on Amami Oshima on 2 June; 2 seen on Miyake-jima on 7 June and 8 seen there on 9 June

Oriental Turtle Dove     Common and widespread; recorded on all 20 field days

White-bellied Green Pigeon     Surprisingly scarce: 2 heard in Karuizawa on 6 June, 1 heard in east Hokkaido on 12 June, and 5 seen in forest north of Nakashibetsu on 14 June

Ryukyu Green Pigeon     Small numbers seen or heard each day in Okinawa and Amami Oshima (28 May to 2 June)

Northern Hawk Cuckoo     Heard in the Tateshina area on 4 & 5 June

Eurasian Cuckoo     Small numbers seen and heard in the Tateshina and Karuizawa areas of Nagano Prefecture on4-6 June; somewhat more common (up to c10 in one day) in east Hokkaido (10-13 June)

Oriental Cuckoo     Heard in Karuizawa on 6 June, and daily in east Hokkaido (10-15 June)

Lesser Cuckoo     Heard in Yambaru, Okinawa, on Amami Oshima, and very frequently in central Honshu and on Miyake-jima (4-9 June)

Japanese (Pryer's) Scops Owl  One immature and one adult in Yambaru on 30 May, 1 heard in a different area on 31 May

Elegant Scops Owl     Several seen and up to 6 heard each night in Yambaru, and on Amami Oshima (30 May to 2 June)

Blakiston's Fish Owl     One at Washi-no-yado, at Rausu, on the Shiretoko Peninsula, on10 June, 3 there on 11 June, and 2 at a second Shiretoko site also on 11 June

Brown Hawk Owl     A pair around the Ada Garden Hotel, Yambaru, on 30 May, and heard there on 31 May

White-throated Needletail     Two over Yambaru on 31 May; 10+ over Kottaro Marsh, in eastern Hokkaido on 10 June; 1 in east Hokkaido on 13 June and 6 on 14 June

Pacific Swift     One over Amami Oshima on 1 June; 3 over Tateshina on 4 June; small numbers (up to 8) daily around Miyake-jima; larger numbers on the Shiretoko Peninsula on 11 & 12 June, with more than 100 on 12 June

Dollarbird     One on the ridge above Kijyoka fields on 29 May

Ruddy Kingfisher     Small numbers (up to 6) daily on Okinawa and Amami Oshima (28 May to 3 June)

Common Kingfisher     Two in southern Okinawa on 28 May; 2 on Amami Oshima on 3 June; 1 in east Hokkaido on 15 June; 1 heard at Inbanuma on 16 June

Crested Kingfisher     One calling along the Yukawa (Yu River) at Karuizawa on 6 June

Eurasian Wryneck     One ‘singing’ at Tofutsu-ko on 11 June

Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker  Widespread, and encountered in small numbers most days (15 out of 20), the exceptions being in Hokkaido where they were very elusive – perhaps incubating

Pryer's Woodpecker     Seen each day in Yambaru (29 May to 1 June) with 2-6 seen and up to 9 heard daily. Recent surveys have raised the estimated population to closer to 1,000 birds. I was told that this did not reflect a population increase, but rather improved census techniques

White-backed Woodpecker       A pair in forest between Kiritappu and Akkeshi (14 June)

Owston's Woodpecker     A pair seen and 3 heard on 1 June on Amami Oshima, 2 heard on 2 June

Great Spotted Woodpecker   Daily in the Tateshina and Karuizawa areas (4-6 June) and in east Hokkaido on 12 & 15 June

Black Woodpecker     One heard in forest between Kiritappu and Akkeshi in east Hokkaido (14 June)

Japanese Woodpecker     One to 3 daily in the Tateshina and Karuizawa areas (4-6 June)

Grey-headed Woodpecker      A female seen in forest between Kiritappu and Akkeshi (14 June)

Ashy Minivet     In the Karuizawa Yacho no Mori, 2-3 were seen and several more heard on 5 & 6 June

Ryukyu Minivet     Small numbers (up to 8) seen or heard daily on Okinawa and Amami Oshima (28 May to 3 June)

Bull-headed Shrike     Six in the Tateshina area on 4 June, singles on 5 June, on 7 & 9 June on Miyake-jima, and pairs in the Shiretoko area on 11 & 12 June

Brown Shrike     One between Akkeshi and Nakashibetsu on 14 June

Japanese Paradise FlycatcherA pair near the southern cape of Okinawa on 28 May, then heard or seen daily in Yambaru and on Amami Oshima (29 May to 3 June)

Eurasian Jay      Pairs heard or seen daily in Tateshina/Karuizawa (4-6 June); 1 on 13 June and 2 on 15 June in forest north of Nakashibetsu. Surprisingly secretive at this season

Lidth's Jay     Pairs seen, and up to 5 more heard, each day on Amami Oshima (1-3 June)

Azure-winged Magpie     Three at Ajiki, near Inbanuma in Chiba Prefecture, on 16 June

Carrion (Oriental) Crow      Small numbers daily in central Honshu (3-6 June) and larger numbers (up to 25) in east Hokkaido (10-15 June), and in eastern Honshu on 16 June

Large-billed Crow      Widespread and reasonably common in all areas. Seen on all 20 field days. The highest density encountered was along the forest roads in Yambaru

Eastern Great Tit     Recorded on 15 (out of 20) field days, in all areas

Coal Tit     Small numbers in the Tateshina/Karuizawa areas (4-6 June), and in east Hokkaido (10-15 June)

Varied Tit     Small numbers on most days on Okinawa, Amami Oshima and in the Tateshina/Karuizawa areas (28 May to 6 June)

Owston's Tit     Reasonably common on Miyake-jima (7-9 June)

Marsh Tit      Two on 13 June and 4 on 14 June in forest north of Nakashibetsu, Hokkaido

Willow Tit     Two to 4 daily in the Tateshina/Karuizawa areas (4-6 June)

Sand Martin     About 15 each on 10 & 12 June, more than 30 on 13 June and 3 on 15 June, mostly at coastal sand cliff sites en route to the Shiretoko Peninsula

Barn Swallow     Small numbers in central Honshu and on Miyake-jima (3-10 June) and in the Sasagawa/Inbanuma area on 16 June

Pacific Swallow     Seen daily on Okinawa and Amami Oshima (28 May to 3 June)

Asian House Martin     Up to 20 birds at nesting colonies in the Tateshina area on 4 & 5 June, 5 on 6 June in Karuizawa; 5 or so on 10 & 11 June in east Hokkaido

Long-tailed Tit      Small numbers (5-8) in Tateshina/Karuizawa (4 & 5 June) and heard on 11 June in east Hokkaido

Eurasian Skylark     Three in the Tateshina area on 4 June and small numbers each day in east Hokkaido (10-15 June); reasonably common in the Sasagawa/Ukishima/Inbanuma area on 16 June

Zitting Cisticola     Fairly common on Okinawa and Amami Oshima (28 May to 3 June); also in the Sasagawa/Ukishima/Inbanuma area on 16 June

Chinese Bulbul     Common on Okinawa (28 May to 1 June), with as many as 50 or more in the south, and smaller numbers in the north. Once scarce and confined to southernmost Okinawa (south of Naha), this bird has now colonised the lowlands all the way north to the northern cape (Cape Hedo). With migrants from the Chinese mainland reaching Korean coastal islands, it may only be time before this species reaches Amami Oshima, although a cursory search there did not reveal any.

Brown-eared Bulbul     Recorded on 19 (out of 20) field days, in all regions

Marsh Grassbird     Five or more singing and giving display flights in the rain at Sasagawa and Ukishima on 16 June

Asian Stubtail     Heard daily (1-3) in the Tateshina/Karuizawa areas (4-6 June), and seen or heard daily in east Hokkaido (12-15 June)

Japanese Bush Warbler     Recorded on all days of the trip except on Amami Oshima, where they were strangely silent

Lanceolated Warbler     Singles heard at only two sites: Tofutsu-ko on 11 June and Notsuke on 12 June

Middendorff's Warbler     Found at only a handful of sites in coastal east Hokkaido: 2-5 individuals (10-13 June) at Kottaro marsh, Tofutsu-ko, Notsuke, and coastal marshes between Ochiishi and Kiritappu

Pleske's Warbler     Easily seen singing in the early morning on Miyake-jima, with 1-6 birds seen or heard (7-9 June)

Gray's Warbler     Whereas Lanceolated Warbler has been scarce now for a decade or more, the decline in Gray’s Warbler has been more recent. Relatively few were encountered, with only singles heard on several days/nights and no more than 4 were heard on any day in east Hokkaido (10-15 June)

Oriental Reed Warbler     Two in the reed bed at Sankaku-ike, Naha on 28 May; 7 or 8 in reeds along the river at Chosei-ike at Saku, Nagano Prefecture,on 5 June, and probably more than 50 at Sasagawa, Ukishima and Inbanuma on 16 June

Black-browed Reed Warbler       Surprisingly absent from many sites. Only small numbers (3-10) encountered daily in east Hokkaido (10-15 June, and most surprisingly none at Ukishima, where they used to be common

Japanese Leaf Warbler     Two seen singing in Tateshina on 4 June, and 2 heard on Mt Asama, Karuizawa on 5 June

Sakhalin Leaf Warbler     One seen and a further two heard in the Tateshina area on 4 June; 2-5 heard daily at a wide range of east Hokkaido sites, including lowland forest, 10-15 June

Greenish (Two-barred) Warbler  A male singing from a conifer top, and perhaps holding a temporary territory, in forest north of Nakashibetsu on 15 June

Eastern Crowned Warbler     From 2-4 each day in the Tateshina/Karuizawa areas; 5-20 daily in east Hokkaido (10-15 June)

Ijima's Warbler     Common on Miyake-jima, particularly in the surviving mature forest near Tairo-ike, but also in other forested areas around the island (7-9 June)

Chinese Hwamei     A male singing in full view beside Lake Myogi in Gunma Prefectureon 6 June

Japanese White-eye     Reasonably common, with 3-20 or more recorded daily on Okinawa, Amami Oshima and Miyake-jima (28 May to 9 June)

Goldcrest      Seen and heard in forest between Kiritappu and Akkeshi on 14 June, and north of Nakashibetsu on 15 June

Eurasian Wren      Seen or heard daily (1-3 birds) in the Tateshina and Karuizawa areas (4-6 June), on Miyake-jima (7-9 June) and in east Hokkaido (singles on 12, 14 & 15 June)

Eurasian Nuthatch      Small numbers (2-5) daily in the Tateshina and Karuizawa areas (4-6 June), and singles in east Hokkaido (13-15 June)

Eurasian Treecreeper      Two heard in Tateshina on 4 June; 1 heard in lowland east Hokkaido on 12 June, 2 seen on 14 June, and 2 heard on 15 June in forest north of Nakashibetsu

Chestnut-cheeked Starling     Surprisingly scarce: a family flock of 10 or more birds at Tateshina on 4 June

White-cheeked Starling     Seen in the Tateshina and Karuizawa areas (up to 40 birds) (4-6 June) and in east Hokkaido (11-15 June) and commonly in the Sasagawa/Ukishima/Inbanuma area on 16 June

Siberian Thrush     One singing in forest north of Nakashibetsu on 15 June

White's Thrush     One heard on 14 June and 1 seen on 15 June in forest north of Nakashibetsu

Amami Thrush     One seen roosting in the rain on 1 June; 1 singing and a second seen on 2 June on Amami Oshima

Japanese Thrush     Very few encountered: 1-7 daily in the Tateshina and Karuizawa areas, with most encountered in narrow wooded valleys leading down to the Yukawa at Karuizawa

Brown-headed Thrush     Surprisingly scarce: none heard or seen at a range of sites visited in Honshu; 1-2 seen and heard daily in east Hokkaido (12-15 June)

Izu Thrush     Small numbers (5-15) daily on Miyake-jima (7-9 June), but far less common, and more elusive, spending less time in the open on the ground, than in the past. According to local rangers they no longer include ground or low sites for nesting

Japanese Robin     Several daily on Miyake-jima (7-9 June), but only 1-2 heard in east Hokkaido (13-15 June)

Ryukyu Robin     Both races were encountered: small numbers daily in Yambaru, Okinawa, and on Amami Oshima (29 May to 3 June)

Siberian Rubythroat     Surprisingly scarce: recorded on just two days, with 4-5 birds on 12 June down the east coast of Hokkaido, and only one heard in the Chobushi-ko area on 13 June

Siberian Blue Robin     In the Tateshina and Karuizawa areas 3-5 were found daily (4-6 June); 1-3 were heard in east Hokkaido (12-14 June)

Red-flanked Bluetail     Absent from most sites visited in east Hokkaido: 1 heard on 14 June, and one male seen singing on 15 June in forest north of Nakashibetsu

Siberian Stonechat     In the Tateshina area there were 3-4 on 4 June, and in east Hokkaido it was quite common, with 5-30 seen daily (10-15 June)

Blue Rock Thrush     Reasonably common on Okinawa and Amami Oshima with up to 20 or so on each day (28 May to 3 June); also common on Miyake-jima (7-9 June); 4 on 12 June and 2 on 13 June on the Shiretoko Peninsula were of more interest

Asian Brown Flycatcher     Three at Tateshina on 5 June; singles in east Hokkaido on 13 & 15 June

Narcissus Flycatcher     Reasonably common, with 5-15 individuals daily in Tateshina and Karuizawa (4-6 June), and 1-15 daily in east Hokkaido (11-15 June)

Ryukyu Flycatcher     A pair on 1 June in the “Kansatsu no Mori” forest on Amami Oshima, and 2 singing along the Supa Rindo on 2 June

Blue-and-white Flycatcher     Rather scarce, 1-5 daily in the Tateshina and Karuizawa areas; only 1 heard in east Hokkaido on 15 June in forest north of Nakashibetsu

Brown Dipper      One on 5 June and 2 on 6 June along the Yukawa (Yu River) at Karuizawa

Russet Sparrow     Surprisingly scarce: 3 on 11 June, 2 on 12 June and 1 on 14 June, all in east Hokkaido

Eurasian Tree Sparrow     Reasonably common and widespread: encountered on each day of the trip

Scaly-breasted Munia     In Okinawa, 3 at Kin on 29 May, 1 at Kijyoka on 30 May, 2 at the circus field near Sunshine beach on 1 June

Grey Wagtail     A pair at Tateshina on 4 June, a male on 5 June and 3-4 at Karuizawa on 6 June; 1 in east Hokkaido on 15 June north of Nakashibetsu

White Wagtail     Small numbers (1-5) in the Tateshina area on 4 & 5 June; 2-5 daily in east Hokkaido (2-15 June); and in the Sasagawa/Ukishima/Inbanuma area on 16 June

Japanese Wagtail     Two at the river beside Chosei-ike in Nagano Prefecture on 5 June

Oriental Greenfinch      Small numbers daily in Honshu, on Miyake-jima, and Hokkaido (4-16 June), commonest in east Hokkaido (10-15 June) with totals of 20-30 on several days

Eurasian Siskin     In east Hokkaido, 1 in forest between Kiritappu and Akkeshi on 13 June; 1 in forest north of Nakashibetsu on 14 June

Long-tailed Rosefinch     Very scarce with only 1-5 on just four days in east Hokkaido (12-15 June)

Eurasian Bullfinch      In east Hokkaido, 2 pairs on 13 June, one pair on 14 June, feeding on dandelion seed heads alongside tracks in forest between Kiritappu and Akkeshi

Hawfinch     One seen on 12 June and 1 heard on 14 June in east Hokkaido

Japanese Grosbeak     In Honshu, 2 seen and 5 or more heard on 4 June, and 4 seen and 6 heard on 5 June in the Tateshina area, Nagano Prefecture

Meadow Bunting     Small numbers in the Tateshina and Karuizawa areas (4-6 June), common on Miyake-jima, small numbers in east Hokkaido on 11 & 12 June, and 5 or more in the Sasagawa/Ukishima/Inbanuma area on 16 June

Chestnut-eared Bunting     Three singing males near Tofutsu-ko on 11 June were the only ones encountered

Black-faced Bunting     Small numbers in the Tateshina and Karuizawa areas (4-6 June); common in east Hokkaido (10-15 June)

Grey Bunting      A male seen singing in the Tateshina area was both a surprise and the only one encountered

Japanese Reed Bunting     Three or more males seen reasonably well despite the rain at Sasagawa and Ukishima, and 5 or more additional birds heard (16 June)

Common Reed Bunting     Only seen in east Hokkaido: 3 males at Tofutsu-ko on 11 June, about 5 at Notsuke on 12 June and 1 on 14 June                         

Mammals (12 species)

Red Fox     One on 11 June, 5 on 12 June, 2 on 13 June and 1 on 14 June in east Hokkaido

Tanuki (Raccoon Dog)     Two at Tateshina on the evening of 4 June, 2 dead on the road to Karuizawa on 5 June, droppings found in east Hokkaido on 14 June, and 1 seen in daylight at Nishi-no-su, near Lake Kasumigaura in eastern Honshu, on 16 June

Brown Bear     A female with two young cubs on the shore beyond Utoro, Shiretoko, on 12 June

Sable     One in forest north of Nakashibetsu, east Hokkaido on 14 June

Japanese Weasel     A dead individual on the roadside in northern Miyake-jima on 7-9 June, and 5 live individuals on 8 June. This species is native to Japan, but introduced on Miyake-jima

Sea Otter     In east Hokkaido, 3 around Moyururi Island on 13 June

Small Asian Mongoose     Three seen at Kin, Okinawa, on 29 May

Japanese Deer     Three at Tateshina on 4 June; daily in east Hokkaido (12-15 June) with more than 30 on some days

Roof (Black) Rat      One ran across thetrack in the Yuwan-dake area of southern Amami Oshima (2 June)

Amami Rabbit     On Amami Oshima, 3 adults and one sub-adult on 1 June, 1 adult on 2 June

Minke Whale     One in the Nemuro Channel off Rausu on 11 June

Orca     Nine in the Nemuro Channel off Rausu on 11 June (a family pod of 7 briefly joined by 2 males)

Amphibians and Reptiles (16 species)

Sword-tailed Newt     Several each day in Yambaru, Okinawa (29-31 May); several on Amami Oshima (3 June)

Hallowell's Tree Frog     Many heard on Amami Oshima on 1 June

American Bull Frog     Several heard in the Nishi-no-su, near Lake Kasumigaura in eastern Honshu, on 16 June

Namie's Frog     One seen and another heard in Yambaru, Okinawa, on 30 May

Amami Ishikawa's Frog     Three on Amami Oshima on 1 & 2 June (This species has apparently been recently split from Okinawan Ishikawa’s Frog)

Amami Tip-nosed Frog     Six on Amami Oshima on 1 June, more than 20 in the rain on 2 June

Otton Frog     Two on Amami Oshima on 1 June, more than 10 in the rain on 2 June

Holst's Frog     One seen in Yambaru, Okinawa, on 30 May

Okinawa Green Tree Frog     Heard in Yambaru, Okinawa, on 30 May

Ryukyu Kajika Frog     Ten or more on Amami Oshima on 1 & 2 June

Kuroiwa's Ground Gecko     Two in Yambaru on 30 May

Okinawan Tree Lizard     Two in Yambaru on 30 May, 1 on 31 May

Japanese Five-lined Skink     Two in Yambaru on 31 May

Ryukyu Odd-tooth Snake     Two in Yambaru on 30 May; 3 on Amami Oshima on 2 June

Habu     One near Ada, Okinawa, on 30 May

Himehabu     One in Yambaru on 30 May; 3 on Amami Oshima on 2 June       

Species names and taxonomic order are based on references cited elsewhere on the Japan Nature Guides website.

© 2016 Mark Brazil

Last updated: 20160808